2016년 11월 4일 금요일

Book Review_ River Boy by Tim Bolwer

This book reminds me of my grandmother and my mom. I know there will be time when I have to face the death of my parents. someday... but I don't want to imagine and I cannot deal with it as a mature person. I've always tried not to think over that matter. However, this book helps me how to accept the death and how to get over it. As the book says, the  river reachers the sea. It seems like the end of the river, but it isn't. This is because the new start of the sea. Like the river, death seems like the end of our lives, but it is renewing itself there. It is not talking about living forever after death, but instead the other people always remember him or her and have different versions of one's life. I don't think I am ready to imagine my parents' death, but got a glimpse of what I have to do when it happens.

In this book, Jess meets a river boy. He looks like a presence of her grandfather when he was young. She is able to understand him and she is kind of in deep connection with his soul. I think we have something invisible. Sometimes, our intuition or our soul tells more than us. Sometimes we need to believe it and follow our intuition.

Also, Jess's mom is very brave and strong. Her father can lean on her mother whenever. Can I.. like her?

All the descriptions of the wood, the river, the sea and the surroundings are so beautiful. It feels like a magic and I can imagine as if they are real.

Before I read this book, I thought that it's just a story book for children. But it is beyond my expection. I love this book so much.

  The best part..
Yes, she was going to be ok. She wan't ok yet; she wouldn't be ok for some time; but she would be ok one day. She would grieve, just like Mom and Dad, especially Dad, and her grief would be deep and it would hurt her.
But she wanted that grief; she knew it was natural and right, just as the passing of this strange and wonderful old manwas natural and right, just as her own death would one day be natural and right. Nut there was much living to do first, much living, much growing.

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