2016년 12월 23일 금요일


When I was little, I faced some difficulties or disasters that I couldn't deal with. Since then, I started not to think about any problems or conflicts in front of me. And now it becomes my habit, or myself. I just accept the reality, and try not to think about problems. It causes another disaster in my life. I am having hard time dealing with it. Very hard.

Last two weeks, I had enough me time. It was more fanststic than I had imagined. I found solutions. Of course, Im not sure they are the correct answers, but I am sure they are the best answers for me.

I finally realize what is important in life. I know what type of person fits me very well and who I respect. I dont want to miss my chance again, so I will try to grow up. Read a lot and think alot.

 1. stay focused
 2. be determined
 3. be mature.

2016년 12월 4일 일요일

Movie Review_Schindler's List by Steven Spielberg

The main character Oskar Schindler is not a typical good character. At first, he didn't inted to save the Jewish. He just started his business to make a lot of money. Also, he loves partikes, girls, and alcohol. This type of character is more probable, and realistic. There is nobody who hates money and luxurious items.

We can see the real face of a person when he or she is in danger or conflicint situations. Oskar Schindler faces how Amon Goth kills the Jewish without any principles or cause. Oskar Schindler is a worldly person but he knows what is right and wrong as a human being. He feels it is not a right thing to do. Thus, he decides to bribe Amon Goth and other Nazi members to save his Jewish workers including his Itzhak Stern, his accountant. He saved almost one thousand Jewish people. As he is going to be broke, Germany surrerners, and the Jewish becomes free.

It is not easy to see what is right and wrong when everyone says it is right. Also, it is not easy to say no when the others say yes. That is why we need to keep thinking and build our own belief system with reading and experiencing our history in books. We cannot expect what will happen becuase of my decision. However, through books we can experience indirectly and we can see the effects of our actions. Therefore, it is our duty to keep reading and thinking.

In this movie, Itzhak Stern says that saving one life is saving a world. I can't save the whole world, but at least I can save a person's life. In other words, I can save the world with little things in my daily lives. I can donate small money for the people in need. I can volunteer to teach Korean to foreigners. I can share my food with my neighbors. Anyone can be Oskar Schindler.

2016년 11월 13일 일요일

Book Review_The Help by Kathryn Stockett

The Help by Kathryn Stockett
These days I’ve heard about a lot of violence happening in the U.S. due to racism . A few months ago, some African Americans demonstrated after an African American was shot dead by the police. Also, many African Americans say that they are discriminated because of their color. However, I didn’t know how serious this issue was until I read this book.
The background of this book 1960s when black people were completely separated from white people. They were killed when they used the white restroom or without specific reasons. The black women tended to the white family. I can’t imagine that it just happened 50 years ago. Just 50 years ago, black people were not equally treated as white people, and that is why this kind of unfairness still happens.
The book cover says ‘Change begins with a whisper.’ I totally agree with this phrase. Black women, they decide to talk about how it is to live as a helper. It is just talking, talking about their lives, but this leads to change. Owing to this talking and writing a book, Aibileen makes a brand new start, working as a writer. Minny also decides to get away from her husband, and Miss Skeeter has a chance to start her life in New York. Furthermore, a helper says that she has talked with her owner on the table for the first time since the book 'Help' is published. Like these, whispering has a power. Nowadays, Korea is also having hard time. There seems nothing to do to get over this situation. However, as this book says, just whispering, or just talking about what is wrong and what is right can lead to positive results. That is why we keep talking.
I love Ms. Skeeter. She is a privileged person. She knows that if she writes a book about racisim, she will lose many things including her boy friend. Also, it is not easy to notice this unequality in society when people are in privileged situation. However, she realizes the absurd reality and puts what she believes into action.
It is important to pay attention to our society and keep thinking about what is happening in our society. That is the best way to notice some gaps and start changes.

2016년 11월 4일 금요일

Book Review_ River Boy by Tim Bolwer

This book reminds me of my grandmother and my mom. I know there will be time when I have to face the death of my parents. someday... but I don't want to imagine and I cannot deal with it as a mature person. I've always tried not to think over that matter. However, this book helps me how to accept the death and how to get over it. As the book says, the  river reachers the sea. It seems like the end of the river, but it isn't. This is because the new start of the sea. Like the river, death seems like the end of our lives, but it is renewing itself there. It is not talking about living forever after death, but instead the other people always remember him or her and have different versions of one's life. I don't think I am ready to imagine my parents' death, but got a glimpse of what I have to do when it happens.

In this book, Jess meets a river boy. He looks like a presence of her grandfather when he was young. She is able to understand him and she is kind of in deep connection with his soul. I think we have something invisible. Sometimes, our intuition or our soul tells more than us. Sometimes we need to believe it and follow our intuition.

Also, Jess's mom is very brave and strong. Her father can lean on her mother whenever. Can I.. like her?

All the descriptions of the wood, the river, the sea and the surroundings are so beautiful. It feels like a magic and I can imagine as if they are real.

Before I read this book, I thought that it's just a story book for children. But it is beyond my expection. I love this book so much.

  The best part..
Yes, she was going to be ok. She wan't ok yet; she wouldn't be ok for some time; but she would be ok one day. She would grieve, just like Mom and Dad, especially Dad, and her grief would be deep and it would hurt her.
But she wanted that grief; she knew it was natural and right, just as the passing of this strange and wonderful old manwas natural and right, just as her own death would one day be natural and right. Nut there was much living to do first, much living, much growing.